Why Your Social Security Statement Is Probably Wrong
“These personalized estimates are based on your earnings to date and assume you continue to earn $XXX,XXX per year until you start your benefit.”
When you receive your Social Security estimate, it assumes you will work until you collect benefits, and that is not always the case…
Is Social Security Running Out?
Will there be anything left when I retire? Will my benefit get cut? These are some of the most frequent questions I get when it comes to someone’s retirement plan.
And the media loves to talk about the Social Security problems. Fortunately, there is data to answer these questions…
Is Hyperinflation Coming?
A few weeks ago, on the heels of the highest inflation reading in 30 years (5.9%), Jack Dorsey, the founder of Twitter and Square, tweeted the following -
“Hyperinflation is going to change everything. It’s happening.”
It instantly sparked a lot of concern, and then debate. Exactly what is “hyperinflation” and are we heading toward it?
Making Sense of Medicare, Part 2 – The Cost
Last week, in Part 1, I reviewed the 5 pieces to Medicare and the 2 main ways to get Medicare coverage.
This week, in Part 2, I will outline the cost for the 2 options.
Making Sense of Medicare, Part 1 – The 5 Pieces
Medicare is a confusing topic to navigate, in part because there are so many choices. In the first part of this series, I will discuss the various parts of Medicare. Next week I will discuss the cost of putting these pieces together.
There are 5 pieces to Medicare…
Roth Conversion Ladder Strategy
Roth conversions are the process of transferring money from tax-deferred accounts, such as 401ks or IRAs, to tax-free accounts like Roth 401ks or Roth IRAs.
When you move money from one account to the other, you generally pay taxes on the full amount converted. The money then grows tax-free from there on out.
One strategy to consider is to implement small Roth conversions, a little at a time, over multiple years…