Insurance Alex Voorhees Insurance Alex Voorhees

Six Options for Long-Term Care Planning

Roughly 70% of adults aged 65 or older will need at least some long-term care, and the average length of stay is 3.2 years.

Because of this everyone needs a long-term care plan. However, long-term care insurance is just one way to pay for care. There are 6 common ways to fund this expense…

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Insurance Alex Voorhees Insurance Alex Voorhees

Understanding the Medicare “Donut Hole” and Tips for Navigating It 

In a recent meeting with a client, they voiced frustration over a recent trip to the pharmacy. They had met their prescription drug coverage deductible and expected to pay a co-pay of $90 for an expensive drug they were taking. Instead, they were charged over $500. He called his insurance agent and was told he had reached the dreaded “donut hole” or what is officially known as the Medicare Part D coverage gap.  

The “Donut Hole” is a phase in prescription drug coverage where beneficiaries experience a temporary increase in out-of-pocket expenses for their medication…

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Retirement Planning, Insurance Alex Voorhees Retirement Planning, Insurance Alex Voorhees

Medicare IRMAA Surcharges and 5 Ways to Avoid Them

IRMAA stands for Income-Related Monthly Adjusted Amount. It is an increase to the standard Medicare Part B and Part D monthly premiums that Medicare recipients have to pay each month if they make over a certain amount.

For 2023, the standard Part B premium is $164.90/month and Part D is $0 (plus your plan premium). Depending on your income, your Part B premiums can go up to $560/month and Part D can go up to $76/month…

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