Three Fascinating Books I Read This Year

As the year ends, thank you all for your continued support! If you have a friend or family member who might benefit from these posts, they can subscribe here or on my blog's website, Financial Field Notes.

Here are three books that I enjoyed this past year -

Being MortalHis experience as a doctor navigating end-of-life care for a family member. He discusses some of the most common mistakes families make, such as valuing safety over quality of life.

Scarcity BrainA deep dive into why the habits we have difficulty breaking are based on a feeling of scarcity and simple solutions for breaking them.

Chaos KingsAn interesting story about how one hedge fund made tremendous returns by consistently betting on unlikely "black swan" events.


My list of books from 2023 can be found here.

My list of books from 2022 can be found here. 

My list of books from 2021 can be found here

My list of books from 2020 can be found here. 

Happy reading,


This blog post is not advice. Please read disclaimers.


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