I Got An Email From Experian - Equifax Settlement Follow Up

Back in 2019, I wrote on this blog about your options for the Equifax breach if you were one of the millions of people who had their personal information stolen. I advised that the credit monitoring was likely a better deal than the cash payment because of how many people had to split the settlement.

I was writing that two years after the initial breach in 2017 because it took so long for the court to sort things out. Well, another two years went by before they finally sorted out the credit monitoring for all those that chose it. To be perfectly honest, I had forgotten about it. But then I got an email last week that read “Equifax Data Breach Settlement (Credit Monitoring Instructions and Activation Code).”

I was a little suspicious because the website address, www.experianidworks.com/equifaxsettlement, could not be found through the main Experian website. I decided to do a little research before putting in all my personal information and found that many people have begun receiving this email and it is indeed legitimate according to the Federal Trade Commission.

The emails appear to be coming in waves, so be patient if you haven’t received yours yet. You have until June 27th, 2022 to use your activation code to sign up for the free monitoring. You can call 1-877-251-5822 to get help but I suspect wait times will be long over the next few weeks. Be aware of look-alike emails that don’t come from the official info@equifaxbreachsettlement.com email.

Thank you for reading,


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