Three Fascinating Books I Read This Year

As the year ends, I wanted to take a moment to thank you all for your continued support. I have received notes of thankfulness, encouragement, and feedback - I appreciate them all! If you have a friend or family member that you think might benefit from these posts, they can subscribe here or on the home page of my blog's website, Financial Field Notes

Here are three books that I found particularly interesting this year.   

Simple Wealth Inevitable Wealth – Simple, but difficult-to-follow, principles for long-term investment success.  

  1. Stocks have been a simple way to grow wealth over time, while bonds and cash have allowed for peace of mind and a cushion to draw from during temporary down markets.  

  2. Time leaches the risk out of stocks. 

  3. Look at declining markets as a chance to buy more, not the end of the world. 

  4. You can behave well for a long-time and get terrible returns if you lose your mind just once. 

Crashing ThroughThe story of a man who gained sight after being blind for 40 years. In many ways, his life was easier blind than with sight. As a dad of two young boys, his description of seeing his boys for the first time brought tears to my eyes. 

The Comfort Crisis The story of a man who spent a month in the Alaskan wilderness hunting Caribou and learns how the comforts of his modern life have actually made his life more difficult. We think that common comforts should make us happy, but that’s not the case. Life has gotten more comfortable, but people have become less happy. To live happier, healthier lives with a sense of purpose we need to get out of our comfort zones and take on mental, emotional, and physical challenges. Have the tough conversation with a loved one, complete a physically demanding task, or read a book that makes your brain hurt a little.  

My Favorite Books From 2021.

My Favorite Books From 2020.

Happy Planning,


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