4 Books To Read On Personal Finances

This time of year I start thinking about what books I want to read in the coming year. In 2019, I read a few books for pleasure and few books related to personal finance. Over the next few weeks, I wanted to share a few books that I have enjoyed in personal finance, investing, and a third category that I’ll just call thought-provoking. All of the books recommended I have read at some point so if you read one and want to discuss, give me a call!

Personal Finance Books

  1. The Millionaire Next Door (Thomas Stanley) – Discusses the research done on the behavior of millionaires to see what they do differently from others in terms of spending, saving, and investing.

  1. The Total Money Makeover (Dave Ramsey) – I’ll admit Dave Ramsey’s tone can be a bit aggressive but it’s what some of us need to get on track. This book focuses primarily on debt repayment while laying the groundwork for building a stable financial life. Great for young families getting started.

  1. The One Page Financial Plan (Carl Richards) – Focuses on simplifying your finances so you can be laser focused on your goals.

  1. Financial Recovery (Karen McCall) – A look into how our personal money beliefs came to be and how to develop healthy ones that will lead to more financial peace.

Disclaimer: Alex Voorhees and Reston Wealth Management do not endorse the books listed above nor all of the advice given in them. This information or the books content is not intended to be a substitute for specific individualized financial, tax or legal advice. We suggest that you discuss your specific situation with a qualified investment, tax or legal advisor. The opinions voiced in these books are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which investment(s) or strategies may be appropriate for you, consult your financial advisor prior to investing. No strategy assures success or protects against loss. You should consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of any investment carefully before investing.


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