5 Ways to Reduce Your Required Minimum Distributions
Managing the tax impact of your Required Minimum Distributions (RMDs) is a critical aspect of your retirement plan. RMDs are mandatory withdrawals from retirement accounts that kick in once you reach a certain age, typically 73 (for those born in 1951 or later).
These distributions can lead to significant tax liabilities. However, there are strategies to minimize their impact and make the most of your retirement savings…
Navigating the Tax Torpedo: The Rising Taxation of Social Security
Many of my clients who retire in the early to mid-60s, will find that they are solidly in the 12% bracket even if they have a considerable nest egg of $1-$5M saved in retirement accounts.
For individuals in the 12% marginal income bracket, a less-discussed aspect of taxes is the Social Security "Tax Torpedo" – a phenomenon where the portion of your Social Security benefits that becomes subject to taxation increases as other income is realized…
Getting A 91% Charitable Tax Benefit In Virginia – Neighborhood Assistance Program
If you live in Virginia and are searching for charitable organizations to give to, you may want to consider the Neighborhood Assistance Program (NAP).
According to their website, “In return for [your] contributions...individuals may receive tax credits equal to 65 percent of the donation that may be applied against their state income tax liability.” That’s right - a 65% dollar-for-dollar credit on your Virginia taxes!
Tax Reporting for Venmo and Other Transaction Services
Last year the IRS began announcing changes to the tax reporting requirements for transactions on services like Venmo, Paypal, CASH, and others. Their concern was that businesses were not reporting the income that they received on these services.
They were planning to reduce the tax reporting threshold for 2022 goods and services received from $20,000/year to $600/year, which would dramatically increase the number of people subject to the reporting requirements…
The New 529 to Roth IRA Strategy Under SECURE Act 2.0
I recently wrote about some of the key changes under the new SECURE Act 2.0, which includes a provision to transfer unused 529 funds to a Roth IRA.
Beginning in 2024, some owners of a 529 will be able to make limited transfers tax-free to the beneficiary’s Roth IRA. There are many rules around who is eligible and how much of the funds can be transferred…
Secure Act 2.0 – Everything You Need To Know
On December 23rd, the massive $1.7 trillion spending bill was passed, and it included a retirement bill known as SECURE Act 2.0. At first glance, the SECURE Act 2.0 looks to have an equal or greater impact on current and future retirees. Let’s dive into the highlights…